Several Things to Keep in Mind When Choosing a Doomsday Bunker Location

18 April 2017
 Categories: , Articles


Conspiracy theorists have been warning of impending doom for years. They believe Doomsday is right around the corner, which is why many of them have prepared for what they believe is the inevitable. Some have even go so far as to invest in old missile silos and transformed them into luxurious condos built to survive an atomic blast. But you don't need millions of dollars to create a bug-out bunker for you and your family. There are affordable air-tight containers that are designed for this purpose, and they come complete with air filtration systems. 

The most important aspect of doomsday bunkers are their ability to withstand forces of nature and war, which is why the ideal location for them is underground. Here's what you need to ask so you can find the best location to construct your doomsday bunker. 

Is the ground too wet? 

The ideal location for your underground bunker will be in the driest soil possible. You don't want to put the bunker into ground that has a high water table or where ground water is slow to absorb into the soil. Don't purchase land that has not been perc tested. If you already have the land and it has not been perc tested, you can do a percolation test (perc test for short) to determine the absorption rate of the soil.

This is important to determine because you want to mitigate the risks of having a flooded bunker, which could happen easily if the ground doesn't naturally absorb the water. Every time it rains you could be ankle-deep in water. 

Is there an equipment staging area nearby? 

If the location for your bunker is too confined for all the equipment to be there at the same time, you'll need to have a staging area for your contractors to wait until you are ready for them. This is typically the case when a bunker is being constructed in the woods and/or on a hill slope. The staging area can be any nearby location that is large enough for the equipment and contractors, such as a parking lot, but be sure you get permission from property owners and municipal officials before setting up a staging area. 

Is the location heavy construction equipment accessible? 

Of course, in order to get the bunker onto the property and into the ground, you will need to use heavy construction equipment, such as an excavator to dig a hole large enough, a crane to deliver the bunker directly to the hole, and a flatbed trailer big rig to deliver the equipment. Alternatively, if there's no way to drive these important pieces of equipment to and around the location, you may need to sling-load the equipment and bunker via a helicopter, which can be quite expensive. 

Cranes need to be set up on ground surface that is as flat as possible. If you are constructing your bunker into a hillside, this may mean you'll need to cut into the hill to provide for a flat area for the crane to be placed. If that's not feasible, perhaps the excavation crew can use some of the soil they remove to build up a platform for the crane to operate from. For this part of the project, companies like A C Jones Trucking Inc can help.

Keep in mind, however, that the location of the bunker is not the only important thing to consider regarding the delivery and usage of the equipment. You also have to transport the equipment to the location. Consider the roadways to and from the construction equipment rental companies. Will the drivers be able to maneuver through a twisting mountainous road? Are there any bridges to cross with maximum load restrictions? Do tree branches overhang the roadways?